Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Review Article Volume 9 Issue 1

Natural Approaches for Detoxifying and Chelating Toxins: A Comprehensive Guide to Nanomaterials, Heavy Metals, Microplastics, and Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

Robert Oldham Young*

Department of Research, Innerlight, Biological Research and Health Education Foundation, USA

*Corresponding Author: Robert Oldham Young, Department of Research, Innerlight, Biological Research and Health Education Foundation, USA.

Received: November 06, 2024; Published: December 19, 2024


The increasing presence of nanomaterials and exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has raised concerns about their potential impact on human health. This article explores natural methods for detoxifying nanomaterials and mitigating the effects of EMF exposure, with an emphasis on approaches that support the body’s natural systems. Techniques include infrared sauna therapy, low-impact exercise, clay and magnesium sulfate baths, and supplementation with MasterPeace Zeolite™ in SOLergy™ Sea Minerals, as well as iJuice Chlorophyll and Black Seed Oil for detoxification and blood health. The article also discusses protective devices like the Quantum Link Pendant with Sympathetic Resonance Technology (SRT) as an effective tool against EMFs. These methods aim to reduce the body’s nanomaterial load and EMF exposure effects while promoting overall health.

The widespread presence of environmental toxins, including nanomaterials, heavy metals, microplastics, and electromagnetic fields (EMFs), has raised substantial concerns about their potential health impacts. This article explores a range of natural, non-invasive methods for detoxification and mitigation of these toxic exposures, supporting the body’s intrinsic detoxification systems. Techniques discussed include infrared sauna therapy, low-impact exercises like rebounding and whole-body vibration, clay and magnesium sulfate baths, and targeted nutritional interventions with MasterPeace Zeolite™ in SOLergy™ Sea Minerals, iJuice Chlorophyll, and iJuice Black Seed Oil. Additionally, the article addresses protective measures against EMFs, such as grounding, hydration, and the Quantum Link Pendant with Sympathetic Resonance Technology (SRT), which supports the body’s biofield. The role of antioxidant-rich foods and natural supplements in countering oxidative stress and enhancing the body’s resilience to environmental toxins is also highlighted. Together, these strategies aim to reduce the body’s toxic load, promote cellular health, and support overall wellness in response to modern environmental challenges.

 Keywords: Detoxification; Nanomaterials; Heavy Metals; Microplastics; EMFs; Microplastics; Oxidative Stress; MasterPeace Zeolite™; SOLergy™ Sea Minerals; iJuice Chlorophyll; Antioxidant Food; Infrared Sauna; Black Seed Oil; iJuice; NAC; Glutathione; Aluminum; Graphene; PFOS; PFOA


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Citation: Robert Oldham Young. “Natural Approaches for Detoxifying and Chelating Toxins: A Comprehensive Guide to Nanomaterials, Heavy Metals, Microplastics, and Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 9.1 (2025): 83-95.


Copyright: © 2025 Robert Oldham Young. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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