Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Review Article Volume 8 Issue 7

Covid Cancer Induction: “Stealth Virus” Gain-of-Function Bio Weaponized Genetic Payload and Spike Protein Mutagenesis Prompting Immunopathologies

Leonard G Horowitz*

Department of Public Health Education, Medical Veritas International, Inc, USA

*Corresponding Author: Leonard G Horowitz, Department of Public Health Education, Medical Veritas International, Inc, USA.

Received: June 20, 2024; Published: June 27, 2024


The incidence of lymphatic system cancers, including multiple myloma (“MM”), lymphoma, and leukemia has increased substantially since 2020, the year “novel” mRNA vaccines and COVID-19 emerged [1]. Causation science attributes this rise in cancer rates to myriad risks other than the virus and/or mRNA vaccines. This paper presumes from published science that increases in lymphatic cancers are largely attributable to the lab engineered viral mutagen and Pfizer and Moderna vaccines derived from genetically modified “gain-of-function” viruses. Stealth virus-like pathogenesis results from the lipid nanoparticle hydrogel (“LNPH”) coating of the vaccines, as well as the spike-protein (“S-protein”) antigen mutating on the virus, that may cause ‘smoldering’ hypersensitization best explaining “long COVID” and the rise in immune cell cancers. Therapeutic focus for lyphatic cancers should target these disease vectors, particularly with anti-virals.

Keywords: Covid Cancer; Stealth Virus; Weaponized; Genetic Payload; Protein Mutagenesis


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Citation: Leonard G Horowitz. “Covid Cancer Induction: “Stealth Virus” Gain-of-Function Bio Weaponized Genetic Payload and Spike Protein Mutagenesis Prompting Immunopathologies”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 8.7 (2024): 214-225.


Copyright: © 2024 Leonard G Horowitz. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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