Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 8 Issue 6

Prognosis of Newborns of Parturient Who Have Suffered Female Genital Mutilation/Excision (FGM) in the Obstetrics Department of University Hospital Center (UHC) POINT G. BAMAKO/Mali

Kanté Ibrahim Ousmane1*, Sima Mammadou1, Traoré Mamadou Salia1, Coulibaly Ahmadou1, Théra Tiounkani Augustin1, Abdoulaye Sissoko2, Koné Konimba1, Kouma Aminata4, Dao Seydou Z3, Traore Soumana Oumar3, Bocoum Amadou2, Traore Alassane6, Traoré Youssouf2 and Teguété Ibrahima2

1Obstetric Gynecology Service of U.H.C. of Point “G”, Bamako, Mali
2Obstetric Gynecology Service of U.H.C Gabriel TOURE”, Bamako, Mali
3Common Reference Health Centre V, Bamako, Mali
4Obstetric Gynecology Service of U.H.C KATI, Bamako Mali
5Common Reference Health Centre III, Bamako Mali
6Obstetric Gynecology Service Hospital of Mali Bamako Mali

*Corresponding Author: Kanté Ibrahim Ousmane, Obstetric Gynecology Service of U.H.C. of Point “G”, Bamako, Mali.

Received: April 23, 2024; Published: May 27, 2024


Aim: To study the prognosis of newborns in parturients who have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM).

Patients and Method: Our study took place in the obstetrics department U.H.C Point G. It was a case / control study. The case being the excised woman and the witness, the non-excised woman. Our study lasted sixteen months, from 01/01/2019 to 04/30/2020. Were included, primiparas from 14 to 49 years old excised or not. The sample size was calculated based on the case / control sample. Data collection was done on individual questionnaires. The analysis and data processing were done on SPSS 12.0 and Word 2013. Statistical tests: Khi2. P < 0.05.

Results: during our study we included 266 women. The major age group was 14-19, or 51.1% in the cases and controls. The bambaras and sonrhaïs were the majority ethnic groups in the two cases with respectively 34.6% and 31.1% with P < 0.00. The illiterate and the secondary level were the majority in the cases and the controls respectively with 57.8% and 59.3% with P < 0.00. Type 3 circumcision accounted for 12%. In our study we had 43.75% of infibulates delivered vaginally we found a relationship with P <0.05; 17.3% of the newborns of the cases had a bad Apgar against 0% in the controls and 02.3% of neonatal mortality in the excised women; Absence of neonatal mortality in women not excised.

Conclusion: FGM was a frequent practice in our countries and can be a source of neonatal and obstetrical complications. Measures must be taken to prevent and eradicate this scourge.

 Keywords: Female Genital Mutilation; Obstetric Complications; Prognosis of Newborns


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Citation: Kanté Ibrahim Ousmane., et al. “Prognosis of Newborns of Parturient Who Have Suffered Female Genital Mutilation/Excision (FGM) in the Obstetrics Department of University Hospital Center (UHC) POINT G. BAMAKO/Mali”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 8.6 (2024): 105-110.


Copyright: © 2024 Kanté Ibrahim Ousmane., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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