Mohammed Altyb Alshykh Aboshanab1*, Mohammed Altayeb AbdAlhafeez Mohammed1, Mohamed Elzubair Mohamed Ataelmanan1, Mohammed Alsheekh Alaqbash1, Muhsin Mohammed Elhadi Agbna Mohammed1, Mohamed Mustafa Mohamed Albshir1, Shiemaa Emad Abdelrahim Babiker2, Nagla Abdelrahim Mohamed Ahmed3
1MBBS, Alzaiem Alazhari University, Sudan
2MBBS, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan
3Associated Professor at Alzaiem Alazhari University Faculty of Medicine Department of Community Medicine, Sudan
*Corresponding Author: Mohammed Altyb Alshykh Aboshanab, MBBS, Alzaiem Alazhari University, Sudan.
Received: April 25, 2024; Published: May 07, 2024
Background: Malaria is a protozoan disease which can lead to serious complications if not treated early and correctly. The aim of this study to assess the knowledge about malaria management guidelines among house officers.
Methods: This is the cross-sectional observational study conducted at 6 of Khartoum teaching hospitals
Results: The study showed that among the 115 participants evaluated there were 70.4% females and 29.6% were males. 94.8% of participants knew there are malaria management guidelines and 5.2% didn't know about the presence of these guidelines, 58.3% have some information and 10.4% just hear about these guidelines. 89.6% knew the management of simple malaria is outpatient management. 65.2% of the participants were aware of where to manage the cases of complicated malaria (inpatient or in ICU). 27.8% of the participants were aware of the management of simple malaria in the second and third trimester.
Conclusion: Different levels of awareness about malaria management guidelines as a whole: 4.3% had an overall poor level of awareness, and 74.8% had an overall average level of awareness and 20.9% had an overall good level of awareness.
Keywords: Malaria; Management; Guidelines; House Officers
Citation: Mohammed Altyb Alshykh Aboshanab., et al. “Awareness of National Malaria Management Guidelines Among House Officers in Khartoum State Teaching Hospitals. Sudan 2018”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 8.5 (2024): 22-26.
Copyright: © 2024 Mohammed Altyb Alshykh Aboshanab., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.