Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 7 Issue 9

Diagnosis and Management of Pericardial Cysts

Mehmet Özgel*

Department of Thoracic Surgery, Malatya Turgut Özal University School of Medicine, Türkiye

*Corresponding Author: Mehmet Özgel, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Malatya Turgut Özal University School of Medicine, Türkiye.

Received: July 03, 2023; Published: August 24, 2023


Background: Pericardial cyst located in the mediastinum can turn into a potentially life-threatening disease in some patients over time. Clinical close follow-up of these patients who may go to surgery is essential.

Material and Methods: Clinic symptoms and radiological findings in patients with pericardial cysts can help to determine early surgery or clinic follow-up. This study was single-center, and all patients were diagnosed with the characteristic image of the pericardial cyst on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or CT. This retrospective study collected age, gender, symptoms, localization of the pericardial cyst, the largest diameter of the cyst, the density of the cyst content, and approach methods for pericardial cysts.

Results: I followed up with 14 patients between 2015 and 2022. Of these, 11 (79%) were female, and 3 (21%) were male, with a mean age of 63.2 ± 15.9 years. Most of the patient with pericardial cyst had no symptoms. The most common location of the cyst was in the right hemithorax (%71.42). Most of patients (%71.44) did not change in cyst size. The density of the cysts was approximately 14.22+14.21HU.

Two patients have been operated on with complete resection with the minimally invasive surgical technique. In the pathological examination of the mass, monolayer mesothelial cells and increased vascular structures in the fibrous wall were seen as typical indicators of pericardial cyst.

Conclusions: If the pericardial cyst does not compress the patient's lung and heart, it should follow every four years, and these patients follow up with MRI. If surgery is to be performed on a pericardial cyst, the pericardial fatty tissue must be examined during the operation.

 Keywords: Pericardium; Cyst; Mediastinum


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Citation: Mehmet Özgel. “Diagnosis and Management of Pericardial Cysts”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 7.8 (2023): 159-164.


Copyright: © 2023 Mehmet Özgel. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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