Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Review Article Volume 7 Issue 5

TThe Importance of Protein in the Prevention and Treatment of Diseases

Olga Viktorovna Ivanchikhina*

Department of Natural Healthy Nutrition, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization of Higher Education "Baltic Polytechnic Institute", Russia

*Corresponding Author: Olga Viktorovna Ivanchikhina, Department of Natural Healthy Nutrition, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization of Higher Education "Baltic Polytechnic Institute", Russia.

Received: April 11, 2023; Published: April 21, 2023


This article discusses and analyzes the results of a study concerning such an energy substrate as protein, the content of which should form the basis and foundation of the human diet. Each of us periodically pays attention to the quality of our own nutrition and wants to compose our diet in such a way that it does not harm our own bodies.

It has been established that the lack of a protein component in the diet is the mechanism that triggers the stoppage of weight loss, and the quality of the body is also reduced. Also it is the protein component in the human diet in many respects provides the normal operation and functioning of the mechanisms of the human body, which are responsible for the protective functions of the same body, which, in turn, assumes the normal vital activity of the person and allows him to be in a completely healthy state.

 Keywords: Protein; Rational Diet; Human Body; Calories; Weight Loss; Energy Value


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Citation: Olga Viktorovna Ivanchikhina. “The Importance of Protein in the Prevention and Treatment of Diseases”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 7.5 (2023): 160-163.


Copyright: © 2023 Olga Viktorovna Ivanchikhina. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.403

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