Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 7 Issue 5

A Critical Analysis of Information Presented by the World Health Organization on Emergency Contraception

Kurt Kraetschmer*

Department of Reproductive Health, Austrian American Medical Research Institute, Austria

*Corresponding Author: Kurt Kraetschmer, Department of Reproductive Health, Austrian American Medical Research Institute, Austria.

Received: March 13, 2023; Published: April 12, 2023


Aim: On the background of limited access to abortion and ensuing increased interest in Emergency Contraception (EC) in post-Roe USA, the aim of the present critical analysis is to answer the question as to whether women can rely on information presented by the World Health Organization (WHO) pertaining to Emergency Contraception.

Method: The material used are documents issued by the WHO and other health agencies as well as high-ranked research publications. This material is analyzed by using a critical analytic method which assesses the accuracy of claims made and the validity of the data presented by a comparative method.

Result: The result of the critical analysis is evidence that the information by the WHO is not trustworthy and that millions of women worldwide are misled on such issues as mode of action, efficacy, and safety of EC. The WHO’s information on the mode of action denies explicitly post-fertilization effects of EC despite results of evidence-based pharmacological research and statements made by the European Medical Agencies (EMA). The WHO’s data regarding efficacy of EC are incompatible with data presented by the FDA. The WHO’s explanations on safety belittles adverse events and ignores the harm caused by the copper-bearing intrauterine device which is presently the object of ongoing lawsuits in the USA. Regarding options for EC, the WHO disseminates incomplete information by ignoring the copper intrauterine contraceptive system releasing ulipristal acetate.

Implication: As implication of the misleading information provided by the WHO the question arises whether the WHO can be considered as an agency that provides guidance and accomplishes its mission as a foremost agent of pharmacovigilance. Given that women cannot trust information contained in various publication by the WHO, governments and private donors should revise their policies of financial support for the WHO.

Keywords: Contraception; World Health Organization; Food and Drug Administration; Drug Safety, Drug Efficacy; Drug-Drug Interactions; Paragard Lawsuits


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Citation: Kurt Kraetschmer. “A Critical Analysis of Information Presented by the World Health Organization on Emergency Contraception”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 7.5 (2023): 96-102.


Copyright: © 2023 Kurt Kraetschmer. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.403

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