Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 5

Periprosthetic Surgical Preparation of Total Edentulous at CHU-CNOS De Bamako

Ahmed BA1*, IB Bengaly2, A Konaté2, Diaby A2, IH Sidibe1, MD Diallo3 and A Camara3

1University Hospital of Odonto - Stomatology of Bamako, Mali
2Koniakary Community and University Health Centre, (CSCOM U of Koniakary), Mali
3University "Gamal Abdel Nasser" of Conakry, Guinea

*Corresponding Author: Ahmed BA, University Hospital of Odonto - Stomatology of Bamako, Mali.

Received: December 27, 2021; Published: April 14, 2022


Oral health and general health are intimately linked and dependent in humans. The complete disappearance of the teeth leads to the loss of proprioceptive control systems, modification of the entire tissue system, and therefore great psychological fragility. Pre-prosthetic surgery consists of restoring the osteo mucosal tissues to allow the placement of a prosthesis.

The Objective: Was to assess the need for pre-surgical prosthetic preparation of the total edentum at the CHU-CNOS in Bamako.

Method and Materials: This was a descriptive prospective study spanning a period of 08 months (from January 1 to August 31, 2018). Patients admitted to the removable prosthesis department for a consultation diagnosed with edentulousness constituted the study population.

We carried out an exhaustive recruitment of the total edentulous people received in the department for the completed removable prosthesis who agreed to participate in the study. Data were collected using an individual survey sheet and analyzed with SPSS version20.0 software.

Result: A total of 50 patients were registered including 14 men or 28% and 36 women or 72%. The sex ratio was 0.38 in favor of women. The 60 to 69 age group was the most represented with 19% and the average age was 56 years. The demand for prosthetic restoration for aesthetic and functional purposes represented the reasons for consultation in 46%, 44% of cases and pain in 10% of cases the most expressed concern by patients. Oral hygiene was 64% average, 20% good and 16% poor. Tooth extraction represented 70% of cases, without surgery 20% of cases and osteotomy 10% of cases as a pre-surgical prosthetic treatment. The ridge was poorly resorbed at 40%, moderately resorbed at 30%, highly resorbed at 20% and the negative ridge at 10%, 50% of patients did not wear a prosthesis, 34% of patients wore partial removable prostheses and 16% wore full removable dentures. Of our patients 66% had normal brakes, 22% had short brakes and 12% had wide brakes.

Conclusion: This study made it possible to highlight the real needs for pre-surgical prosthetic preparation. Among these needs, multiple tooth extraction remains the most common pre-prosthetic surgery.

Keywords: Preparation; Pre-prosthesis; Surgery; Edentulousness; CHU CNOS


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Citation: Ahmed BA., et al. “Periprosthetic Surgical Preparation of Total Edentulous at CHU-CNOS De Bamako". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 6.5 (2022): 31-35.


Copyright: © 2022 Ahmed BA., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.403

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