Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Case Report Volume 5 Issue 11

Spontaneous Hematoma and Covid-19: Diagnosis and Management, A Case Report

H Brahimi1,3, MH Labdouni2, D Taleb A2,3 and Benabdellah1,3*

1Infectious Disease Department, University Hospital Center, Algeria
2University Ahmed Benbella, Faculty of Medicine, Oran-1, Algeria
3Radiology Department, University Hospital Center, Algeria
4Faculty of Medicine, University of Abu Bakr Belkaid, Tlemcen, Algeria

*Corresponding Author: Benabdellah, Infectious Disease Department, University Hospital Center, Algeria.

Received: October 04, 2021; Published: October 18, 2021



The aim of our presentation is to warn against these bleeding complications and to discuss their etiological diagnosis and management.

Keywords: Covid-19; Bleeding; Chronic Renal Failure



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Citation: Benabdellah.,et al. “Spontaneous Hematoma and Covid-19: Diagnosis and Management, A Case Report”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 5.11 (2021): 76-80.


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