Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2582-0931)

Review Article Volume 4 Issue 6

Coronavirus COVID-19 - Theoretical and Practical Substantiations for Reducing Mortality from Complications

Albert Ivanovich Krashenyuk*

Krashenyuk A.I. Academy of Hirudotherapy, St. Petersburg, Russia

*Corresponding Author: Albert Ivanovich Krashenyuk, Krashenyuk A.I. Academy of Hirudotherapy, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Received: April 15, 2020 Published: May 18, 2020



 The high mortality rate and the enormous socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 virus epidemic require the immediate development of effective treatment methods. The main complication of coronavirus infection, leading to the development of a fatal outcome, is pneumonia, respiratory and multiple organ failure, which develop in some patients with COVID-19 infection. An analysis of the clinical, laboratory, and pathoanatomical picture of COVID-19 virus damage according to the literature suggests that there is a presence in the pathogenesis of patients with chronic disseminated intravascular coagulation (chronic DIC) and intraalveolar fibrinogenesis. Prevention of these processes, early therapy using the systemic method of leech therapy (SMP) of hirudotherapy, which has about 30 types of therapeutic effects, including anticoagulant and thrombolytic effects, can prevent the development of severe, lifethreatening complications.

Keywords: COVID-19; Microthromboses; Systemic Method of Leech Therapy (SMP); Hirudotherapy



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Citation: Albert Ivanovich Krashenyuk. “Coronavirus COVID-19 - Theoretical and Practical Substantiations for Reducing Mortality from Complications". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 4.6 (2020): 115-123.


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