Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 2

A Clinical Study of Madhutailik Basti with Vidangadyam Lauha in the Management of Madhumeha W.S.R. to Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

Bhairav Tawshikar1* and Jyotsna Adate2

1Associate Professor, ARAC Ayurved College, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
2PG Scholar, ARAC Ayurved College, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding Author: Bhairav Tawshikar, Associate Professor, ARAC Ayurved College, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.

Received: January 18, 2020; Published: January 21, 2020



  Ayurveda is the first medical science that identified, diagnosed and managed Madhumeha while claiming it is incurable much earlier to modern science. Prameha is mentioned as one of the eight major disease in Brihatrayi in Ayurveda Acharya charka has explained it as a life style disorder due to over indulgence in heavy and rich nutrition food, day time sleep, lack of exercises, other sedentary habits and not doing seasonal purification.

  It can be correlated with Diabetes Mellitus type 2. It is a clinical syndrome characterized mainly by hyperglycemia due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin. Lack of insulin affects the metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat causes significant disturbance of water and electrolyte homeostasis.

  Madhumeha characterized by passage of excessive urine having similar to Madhu. Other symptoms are Prabhuta mutrata, pipasa vriddhi, pada tala daha, atisweda. Present study is carried out to know effective Ayurvedic treatment for Madhumeha. The combination of these medicines has shown highly significant in treating Madhumeha [Diabetes mellitus type 2].

Keywords: Madhumeha; Diabetes Mellitus; Madhutailik Basti; Vidangadyam Lauha



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Citation: Bhairav Tawshikar and Jyotsna Adate. “A Clinical Study of Madhutailik Basti with Vidangadyam Lauha in the Management of Madhumeha W.S.R. to Diabetes Mellitus Type 2". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 4.2 (2020): 146-148.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.403

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