Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 2

Predictors of Perforation in Duodenal Ulcer in Sudanese Patients A Single Center Experience

Elssayed Osman Elssayed Ahmed1* and Mohamed Elimam2

1Assistant Professor of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shendi University, Sudan
2Gezira University, Sudan

*Corresponding Author: Elssayed Osman Elssayed Ahmed, Assistant Professor of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Shendi University, Sudan.

Received: December 31, 2019; Published: January 10, 2020



Background: For quite long period of time, treatment of peptic ulcer diseases mainly depend on surgery, advance in proton pump inhibitors and H. pylori eradication therapy, has led to less need of elective surgery. surgical treatment is often reserved for emergency complications of the disease. the incidence rate of perforated duodenal ulcer appears not to have changed, and still quite frequent in developing countries. Graham’s omental patch of the perforations is treatment of choice.

Objective: To determine the predictors of perforation in peptic ulcer.

Methods: A retrospective review of all patients with perforated duodenal ulcer seen at Almak Nimir university hospital between may 2014 to may2019. Patients' records were reviewed for demography, duration of disease, the probable risk factors and the type of surgery. Data were collected by a master sheet and was analyzed using SPSS 15.0.

Result: Twenty six patients were reviewed. All patients were males. The most common affected age was found to be 31 – 40 years of age (10 patients) (38.5%), followed by age 21 – 30 years (7 patients) (26.9%). A round 84.6% of patients were of a low socioeconomic class (18 patient), while 15.4% were of moderate socioeconomic class. 77% of the patients (20 patients) were manual worker (labors), 15.4% of the patients were farmers (4 patients).65.4% of the patients perforation occur during Ramadan (fasting).69.2% of the patients were smoker. no mortality was reported and 11.5% of the patient had complications.

Conclusion: Duodenal ulcer perforation in Sudan apparently was found to be a disease of middle aged men. Low socioeconomic class, manual workers, smoking and fasting were the main predictors of perforation in duodenal ulcer.

Keywords: Duodenal Ulcers; Perforations



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Citation: Elssayed Osman Elssayed Ahmed and Mohamed Elimam. “Predictors of Perforation in Duodenal Ulcer in Sudanese Patients A Single Center Experience". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 4.2 (2020): 80-85.


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