Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ASDS)(ISSN: 2581-4893)

Research ArticleVolume 6 Issue 9

Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy of Different Irrigation Systems for Removal of Triple Antibiotic Paste from Root Canals - An In Vitro Study

Aayushi Sharma*, Shraddha Chokshi, Zarana Sanghvi and Setu Bavaria

Ahmedabad Dental College and Hospital, India

*Corresponding Author: Aayushi Sharma, Ahmedabad Dental College and Hospital, India.

Received: August 8, 2022; Published: August 25, 2022


The main goal of endodontics is the complete elimination of bacteria from the root canal system [1]. Because of the complex root canal anatomy that includes the presence of apical deltas, oval extensions, accessary canals and isthumus, with the routine endodontic procedures followed, it is difficult to shape and clean the root canal completely [2,3]. The success of root canal therapy depends on the complete elimination of these diverse varieties of pathologic micro-organisms. While mechanical preparation of the root canal serves as a primary mechanism for the elimination of the bacteria, irrigants and intra canal medicaments serve as a valuable adjunct. The irrigants can enhance the mechanical debridement by aiding in removal of smear layer, manual flushing of the debris out of the root canal, dissolving the necrotic and vital pulp tissues which serve as a harbour of micro-organisms and by having an effective anti-microbial activity. Various irrigants have varied action to aid in debridement of the root canal space. Even though irrigation plays a vital role in elimination of bacteria from the root canal system, the wide spectrum of micro-organisms demands additional antibiotic agents for their complete elimination. The use of systemic antibiotics is considered invaluable for use in teeth undergoing root canal treatment, hence use of local delivery of antibiotics is suggested [4]. Thus, the combination of instrumentation associated with irrigation and intracanal medicament has been proposed to be effective against the polymicrobial flora of the root canal. The introduction of triple antibiotic paste was aimed at providing a combination that could possibly be effective against all of the micro-organisms in the root canal pathology. With this background, the aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of few irrigation techniques and irrigating solutions for the removal of the most commonly used intracanal medicament TAP from root canal system of single rooted teeth.

Keywords: Endodontics; Triple Antibiotic Paste (TAP); Irrigation


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Citation: Aayushi Sharma., et al. “Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy of Different Irrigation Systems for Removal of Triple Antibiotic Paste from Root Canals - An In Vitro Study". Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 6.9 (2022): 71-78.

Copyright: © 2022 Aayushi Sharma., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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