Research Article Volume 4 Issue 8

Controller Identification for Control of Nonlinear Systems

Alexandre Molter and Fabricio Bandeira Cabral

1,2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Alexandre Molter, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Federal University of Pelotas, Campus Universitário, Pelotas, RS, Brazil.

Received: August 14, 2022; Published: September 26, 2022


Control of nonlinear systems has attracted attention of researchers for decades. In this work we applied the control identification technique to control nonlinear systems. This technique evaluates controllers even when they are not online. The knowledge of the plant parameters are not a priori required. We use exponentially weighted performance criteria. Simulation results are presented to analyze the effect of the discount factor for the control of the systems.

Keywords: Nonlinear Systems; Controller Identification Technique; Exponentially Weighted Performance; Discount Factor and Control; Algorithm


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Citation: Alexandre Molter and Fabricio Bandeira Cabral. “Controller Identification for Control of Nonlinear Systems". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 4.10 (2022): 40-48.


Copyright: © 2022 Alexandre Molter and Fabrício Bandeira Cabral. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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