A Profile of the Generalized Information Measures in Information Theory
D S Hooda1* and M S Barak2
1Honorary Professor in Mathematics, GJ University of Science and Technology, India
2Department of Mathematics, IG University, Meerpur, Rewari, India
*Corresponding Author: Maurice HT Ling, HOHY PTE LTD, Singapore and School of Data Sciences, Perdana University, Malaysia.
August 11, 2021; Published: September 29, 2021
Information theory deals mainly with Entropy or Information Measure, Communication and Cryptography. A review of information measures with their historical development is an important input in Information theory. The concept of Shannon’s entropy and its properties are very informative. The application of entropy in coding is described with an example. Various generalizations of entropy by various authors are enumerated. The ‘useful’ information measure is defined with its generalization. The measures of Directed divergence and J-divergence are discussed. The ‘useful’ relative information and j-divergence measures are also described with conclusion and discussion in the end.
Keywords: Entropy; Information Measure; ‘Useful’ Information Measure; Directed Divergence and J-divergence.
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