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Research Article Volume 2 Issue 11

Influence of Direction of Application of Oil on Concrete-Steel Bond

Boateng E, Danso AK* and Ayarkwa J

Department of Construction Technology and Management, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

*Corresponding Author: Danso AK, Department of Construction Technology and Management, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.

Received: September 14, 2020; Published: October 30, 2020



  The interaction of steel reinforcement bar with concrete is a complex phenomenon that has significant effects on the performance of reinforced concrete (R C) elements. The presence of oil at the interface of the steel and concrete affect the bond between the two materials. In this paper, the influence of the direction of application of the oil at the steel-concrete interface on bond was investigated. Twenty-five (25) standard 150mm concrete cubes embedded with deformed mild steel rebars were used. Ten sets of the cubes had 50% of the embedded surface area of the rebars coated with oil in the transverse direction while another ten set had the oil applied in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the bar. The remaining cubes were used as control specimen. Tension pull out test technique was used to measure the bond strength of the specimen. Two sample T-test was carried out to find out if significant difference exist in the two results. At 95% confidence level, the findings revealed that there is no significant difference in the bond strength for the two patterns of oil pollution.

Keywords: Bond Strength; Used Engine Oil; Pull Out Test; Reinforced Concrete



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Citation: Danso AK., et al. “Influence of Direction of Application of Oil on Concrete-Steel Bond". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 2.11 (2020): 51-55.


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