Research: Evaluation of Perception and Self-Confidence Levels Regarding Endodontic Treatment Among Undergraduate Students of Penang International Dental College
Jalison Jacob, Abin Varghese*, Ainur Sahira Noordin, Norish Eisyiqkin Abd Rashad and Nur Afrina Ellya Azhar
Penang International Dental College, Malaysia
*Corresponding Author: Abin Varghese, Penang International Dental College, Malaysia.
June 21, 2024; Published: July 04, 2024
The undergraduate training in terms of endodontics presents with various types of challenges especially in clinical and pre-clinical practices. This research is intended to evaluate the perception and self-rated confidence levels regarding endodontic treatment among the undergraduate students of Penang International Dental College (PIDC). After being approved by the Internal Review Board (IRB), a questionnaire is distributed to an online platform (Google forms) among the undergraduate students of PIDC who have completed 5th year Endodontic departmental postings. Descriptive analysis is performed using the SPSS software version 21.0. The participation rate was 52% (n = 127 of 244). Anterior tooth is the most common first tooth treated. Relatively lower self-confidence levels were noted for more complex procedures such as non-vital bleaching, treatment of root resorption, repairing of perforations and removal of separated instruments. A moderate level of interest was shown in pursuing endodontics as a postgraduate program. Hence, this research’s main goal is to be able to manage the shortcomings in preclinical and clinical endodontic training and also to find out key areas to stress upon for better student understanding and treatment outcome.
Keywords: Endodontic; Difficulties, Perception; Self-Rated Confidence; Undergraduates
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