Acta Scientific Applied Physics

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 1

Microwave Remote Sensing of Earth

OPN Calla1* and Vishwa Sharma2

1Director, International Centre for Radio Science, Mandore, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
2Ex. Scientist, International Centre for Radio Science, Mandore, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

*Corresponding Author: OPN Calla, Professor, Director, International Centre for Radio Science, Mandore, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

Received: December 26, 2022; Published: January 03, 2022


The Microwave Remote Sensing of Earth was initiated by Russian Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS) by launching COSMOS 243 Satellite in Year 1968. This was followed by launching of Nimbua 5 by NASA in 1972. India was THIRD Country that launched Bhaskara 1 in 1979 that was launched by ISRO Carrying Microwave Radiometer SAMIR and BHASKAR2 was launched in1981 that also carried Microwave Radiometer SAMIR. European Remote Sensing Satellite 1 of ESA was launched in 1989. The Japanese Earth Resources Satellite 1(JERS-1) of JAXA was launched in 1990. The Radarsat-1 of Canadian Space Agency (CSA) was launched in 1990. The Jasan-1 of French space Agency CNES and American space Agency NASA was launched in 2001. The Fengyun-3 of Chinese National Space Agency CNSA was launched in 2008. Till Now Sixty Seven Satellites Carrying Active and Passive Microwave Sensors have been used to Provide the information for Studying the Surface as well as upto certain depth of earth depending on frequency that has been used for Study. The different parameters like Salinity, Wind speed over Oceans, also have been Obtained including the direction of wind.The Atmosphere above earth has also been studied using Microwave remote sensing (MRS) that includes the water-vapour, Liquid water and different gases in the Atmosphere. The SNOW studies have been made using Microwave remote Sensing (MRS) that includes extent of SNOW, depth of SNOW and melting of SNOW in mountains.

Keywords: Microwave Remote Sensing; Microwave Remote Sensors; Radiometer; Synthetic Aperture Radar; Real Aperture Radar; Altimeter; Scatterometer; Dielectric Properties; Brightness Temperature


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Citation: OPN Calla and Vishwa Sharma. “Microwave Remote Sensing of Earth". Acta Scientific Applied Physics 3.2 (2023): 03-16.


Copyright: © 2022 OPN Calla and Vishwa Sharma. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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