Effect of Planting Materials and Sources of Nutrients on Growth, Yield and Quality of Banana
Sika Mustaki, Nazrul Islam and Shormin Choudhury*
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh
*Corresponding Author: Shormin Choudhury, Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
May 02, 2024; Published: May 27, 2024
Organic nutrient is considered as an excellent soil amendment for soil quality and productivity and more eco-friendly as compared to chemical fertilizers. Improved banana propagation techniques, such as corm and tissue culture, increase banana production and quality more than traditional methods. Present study was undertaken to determine the performance of planting materials and organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on growth, yield and quality of banana. The two factors experiment consisted of two planting materials of banana, tissue culture plantlet (P1), corm (P2) and sources of nutrients; cowdung (M1), vermicompost (M2), spent mushroom compost (M3) and inorganic fertilizers (M4); which were outlined in a randomized Complete Block design with 3 replications. Maximum number of fingers (135.3), yield/plant (18.67 kg), TSS (21.73%), reducing sugar (15.12%) were found in P2 whereas minimum in P1. Individual fruit weight (150.5 g) was the maximum in P1. Among the sources of nutrients, maximum number of fingers (140.0), yield/plant (21.29 kg), individual fruit weight (152.08 g), TSS (22.09%), reducing sugar (16.11%) were recorded in M2. For combined effect, yield/plant (22.45 kg) were maximum in P2M2 and minimum (14.73 kg) in P1M3. In view of overall performance, this study suggests that corm as a planting material and vermicompost as a potential source of nutrients for banana production.
Keywords: Banana; Planting Materials; Nutrients, Yield; Fruit Quality
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