Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Research Article Volume 8 Issue 1

Growth and Yield Analysis of Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) Genotypes under Phosphorus Fertilization in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India

Mahendra Singh Pal1* and S K Jain2

1Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India
2Junior scientist Agronomy, College of Agriculture, G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India

*Corresponding Author: Mahendra Singh Pal, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India.

Received: August 03, 2023; Published: December 16, 2023


A Field experiment was carried out at Instructional Dairy Farm, G B pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar during winter season of 2020-21 to study the growth and yield analysis of berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) genotypes under phosphorus fertilization in Indo-Gangetic plains of India. Berseem genotype BM-4 produced significantly highest green fodder yield that was 10.2, 14.3 and 38.4% higher than Wardan, JB-07-15 and BB-2, respectively. The highest crude protein content and crude protein yield were estimated in BM-4 that was significantly equal to Wardan but the NDF and ADF contents were significantly equal among genotypes. Application of 100 kg P205/ha gave 7.4 and 14.0% higher green fodder yields than 80 and 60 kg P205/ha, respectively. The crude protein content and its yield increased with P application rates and significantly highest values were recorded at 100 kg P205/ha which gave 11.1 and 24.4% higher than 80 and 60 kg P205/ha, respectively. The NDF and ADF content increased with phosphorus levels with the highest values at 100 kg P205/ha but remained non-significant to each other. Therefore it is concluded that berseem genotypes BM-4 may be grown at application of 100 kg P205/ha for higher growth, yield and quality of berseem fodder in Indo-Gangetic plains of India.

Keywords: Crude Protein; Genotypes, ADF; NDF; L:S ratio


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Citation: Mahendra Singh Pal and S K Jain. “Growth and Yield Analysis of Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) Genotypes under Phosphorus Fertilization in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India". Acta Scientific Agriculture 8.1 (2024): 42-46.


Copyright: © 2024 Mahendra Singh Pal and S K Jain. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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