Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Review Article Volume 7 Issue 12

Feeding Management of Dairy Animals During Lean Season and Natural Calamities

Jakir Hussain1*, Jitendra Saharia2, Papori Taludar3 and Ashim Kumar Saikia4

Department of Livestock Production and Management, College of Veterinary College, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati, India

*Corresponding Author: Jakir Hussain, Department of Livestock Production and Management, College of Veterinary College, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati, India.

Received: October 03, 2023; Published: November 04, 2023


Feeding is the most expensive aspect of rearing dairy cattle. The dairy farmers face very critical situation during the natural calamities and lean season to feed their livestock. Feeding management of appropriate technique plays a great role in such a grim situation. Out various feeds, the straw is a very easy source of dry fodder for livestock round the year and can be preserved for long period. But, nutritional value of straw is very meager. Therefore, it is necessary to make straw a palatable, digestible and nutritionally qualified feed by several techniques like chopping or soaking in water, treating with urea-molasses, lime, NH4, NaOH or biological enzymes. The preservation of surplus fodder as hay and silage are better techniques for feeding large ruminants during the lean season. The total mixed ration (TMR) and complete feed block (CFB) are very some other means for complete balance feeding of dairy animals. In emergency urea molasses liquid diet (UMLD) and urea molasses mineral block (UMMB) are quite helpful. Tree leaves, vegetable leaves, sugarcane tops and bagasse are also very good supportive feeds for cattle and buffaloes during lean seasons, flood and other natural calamities. Establishment of fodder banks can provide high-quality feed during the lean season. Fodder production without soil by hydroponic method is the most advance technology for feeding dairy bovines to fulfill their required nutritional demand.

Keywords: Dairy Animals; Straw; Silage; Molasses and Lime; Fodder Bank and Hydroponic


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Citation: Jakir Hussain., et al. “Feeding Management of Dairy Animals During Lean Season and Natural Calamities)". Acta Scientific Agriculture 7.12 (2023): 03-08.


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Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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