Measurement of Green Field Performances in Turfgrass Cultivars with Smartphone
Applications in Mediterranean Climate
Emre KARA1*, Mustafa SÜRMEN1 and Hörünaz ERDOGAN2
1Faculty of Agriculture, Field Crops Department, Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Aydın, Türkiye
2Faculty of Agriculture, Field Crops Department, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Türkiye
*Corresponding Author: Emre KARA, Faculty of Agriculture, Field Crops Department, Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Aydın, Türkiye.
September 01, 2022; Published: October 06, 2022
Turf color and canopy cover are among the most basic features that determine the quality of turf areas. Recently, smartphone applications have been developed to measure both turf color and canopy cover. Fast and reliable measurements made in this way save time and expense, while also playing a role in the development of green areas and identifying problems of lawns. For this purpose, turfgrass visual quality (FieldScout GreenIndex+), canopy cover (Canopeo) of 35 different grass cultivars belonging to 7 different species (Festuca arundinacea, Lolium perenne, Poa pratensis, Festuca rubra rubra, Festuca rubra trichopylla, Festuca rubra commutata, Festuca ovina) in Aydın (Türkiye) ecology with Mediterranean climate were determined in a study conducted between 2019-2020. While the results revealed that different grass varieties stood out in each season, the values were higher especially in varieties belonging to the Festuca arundinacea species. In terms of coverage, it was determined that Lolium perenne had the least canopy coverage among the species. Depending on the maturation of the lawns, there may be differences in color and coverage in the following years. However, the preference of Festuca arundinacea varieties can provide more effective results in semi-arid and hot Mediterranean climate.
Keywords: Visual Rating; Canopy Cover; Turfgrass; Green Spaces; Turf Color
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