Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Review Article Volume 6 Issue 10

Biocontrol Potential and Mode of Action of Trichoderma Against Fungal Plant Diseases

Ashim Pokhrel1*, Aakash Adhikari1, Dipiza Oli2, Bipul Paudel1, Shishir Pandit1, Bigyan GC1 and Brij Raj Raut Tharu3

1Department of Agriculture, Himalayan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kathmandu, Nepal
2Montana State University, Bozeman, USA
3Georg-August Universitat Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany

*Corresponding Author: Ashim Pokhrel, Department of Agriculture, Himalayan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Received: August 26, 2022; Published: September 15, 2022


Plant diseases, which can result in yield losses of up to 30% and are a major contributor to low crop production, pose a danger to the sustainability of the world's food supply. As more than 60% of the bio fungicides that are now registered around the globe are derived from Trichoderma-based formulations, Trichoderma spp. is the most effective bio fungicide in modern agriculture. Trichoderma-based biological control agents (BCAs) are among the many biological controls that are applied in agriculture to manage soil-borne diseases. These BCAs are commercialized and known by several names, including growth promoters, bio-fertilizers, and bio-pesticides. Trichoderma attacked other plants' pathogenic fungi and encouraged the growth of roots and plants. It employs a variety of management strategies for plant pathogenic diseases, including antibiosis, mycoparasitism, induced host cell resistance, and competition for nutrients and space. It has been discovered that the beneficial bacteria azotobacter and rhizobium interact with Trichoderma viridae. For the effective application of bio fungicides to manage plant diseases, seed treatment, seed bio priming, seedling dipping, soil application, and wound dressing are suggested. The information on Trichoderma as a biocontrol agent, its biocontrol activity, commercial production, and its use in plant disease management programs is reviewed in this research.

Keywords: Biological Agents; Bio-Fungicides; Diseases; Nutrients


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Citation: Ashim Pokhrel., et al. “Biocontrol Potential and Mode of Action of Trichoderma Against Fungal Plant Diseases". Acta Scientific Agriculture 6.10 (2022): 10-21.


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