Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 9

Nature, Natural, Organic Farming’s for Sustainable Eco-Friendly Agriculture Development-A Global Perspective and Policies

MB Dastagiri*, T Shailaja, P Lekhana and G Sree Pooja

Department of Research Systems Management, ICAR-NAARM, India

*Corresponding Author: MB Dastagiri, Department of Research Systems Management, ICAR-NAARM, India.

Received: July 24, 2022; Published: August 19, 2022


Economics rules the world with intellectual tool. Traditional Farming is gig economy and heterodox economy. Globally, Nature, Natural and Organic farming is a modern and a sustainable form of agriculture that provides consumers fresh natural farm products. This study analyzes the growth, potential, principles of Nature, Natural and Organic Farming’s and suggest strategies and policies for Sustainable Eco-Friendly Agriculture development. The study employed meta-analysis, scientific and futuristic approach. The results show that “no fertilizer” farming system and agricultural practices align with “laws of nature “called Nature Farming. In Natural Farming No chemical or organic fertilizers added and in organic farming Organic fertilizers and manures like compost, vermicomposting, cow dung etc. are added. The results show that in the world 187 countries are involved with organic agriculture with 72.3 million hectares. The share of organic agriculture is 1.5% of total agricultural land. The top 3 countries are Liechtenstein, Austria, Sao Tome and Principe. The total number of producers are 3.1 million. The organic market for the producers are worth of 106.4 Billion Euros in the world market. The top three organic markets are USA, Germany, France show that organic market is increasing as the consumer demand keeps increasing. By the year 2020, 108 countries are with organic regulations and 719 affiliates with IFOAM organic international. Region wise organic land distribution is 72.3 M. ha in the world, of which Oceania has 35.9 Million ha, Europe 16. 5 million ha, and 8.3 million ha in Latin America in 2019. Continent wise Growth of the organic agricultural land during 1999-2019, shows that Oceania’s organic agriculture land increased drastically from 11.4 million Hectares in 2011 to 35.9 million Hectares by 2019. Worldwide sales of organic food from 1999 to 2020, shows that the sale of organic food has increased from 15.2 billion U.S. dollars to 120.65 billion U.S. dollars indicating the significance of organic food and its promising future. Few changes or developments within organic farming can lead to natural framing or ZBNF. By clearly understanding the principles of organic farming, practices can be defined to its true potential for transformation and thus contributing to sustainable agriculture. Whether organic or ZBNF or Nature farming, agriculture still continue global expansion and can be determined by its financial outcomes compared to each other. Policy instruments based on Knowledge is needed to create a favorable environment for education, outreach and innovation in agriculture. Four sustainability goals of Economics, Environment, Production and Social Wellbeing encourages researchers and farmers to innovate and do not limit them. There are numerous obstacles that policymakers must overcome in order to foster the expansion of organic farming and other cutting-edge production methods that become truly sustainable, however, there may be considerably more major consequences for food and ecological security. To overcome these challenges and accomplish, this requires utilizing the full potential of sensible policies, technological, socioeconomic, agricultural, and public involvement.

Keywords: Nature; Organic Farming’s; Eco-Friendly; Agriculture Development



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Citation: MB Dastagiri., et al. “Nature, Natural, Organic Farming’s for Sustainable Eco-Friendly Agriculture Development-A Global Perspective and Policies". Acta Scientific Agriculture 6.9 (2022): 35-45.


Copyright: © 2022 MB Dastagiri., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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