Evaluation of the Potential Use of Seeds and Vegetables in the Formulation of Yogurt
José Villarroel Bastidas1* and Yandry Dayan Zambrano Muñoz2
1Master’s in Food Processing, Research Professor Faculty of Engineering and Production Sciences, Quevedo, Ecuador
2Agroindustrial Engineer, Faculty of Engineering and Production Sciences, Quevedo, Ecuador
*Corresponding Author: José Villarroel Bastidas, Master’s in Food Processing, Research Professor Faculty of Engineering and Production Sciences, Quevedo, Ecuador.
March 21, 2022; Published:
To take advantage of the nutritional value of chia and canary seed, the technology for making yogurt was researched and developed, which meets the requirements of fermented milk established by INEN standards, by adding seed extracts (chia and canary seed), vegetables (watercress and alfalfa), and two sweeteners (saccharin and stevia). A completely randomized block factorial design A*B*C was applied with three replicates, which corresponds to 24 treatments. To determine the effects between levels, Tukey significance tests (p < 0.05) were performed using the Stat Graphics statistical program. The physical-chemical, sensory, and microbiological analyzes carried out among the most important are Protein content with a value of 6.68% in birdseed and 5.24% in chia, while sensory characteristics such as smell, texture and flavor do not I present a significant difference, only present in color regarding vegetables, a score of 2.5 out of 5 was obtained in the sensory analyzes in birdseed. The results establish that the best yogurt was the one made from birdseed, enriched with watercress and Stevia because it improves the chemical and sensory characteristics.
Keywords: Alfalfa; Watercress; Sweeteners; Sensory Analysis
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