General Consideration of Matricaria Chamomilla L.
Ndriçim Zhuri and Alma Imeri*
Department of Agronomic Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Agricultural University of Tirana
*Corresponding Author: Alma Imeri, Department of Agronomic Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Agricultural University of Tirana.
March 14, 2022; Published: May 3, 2022
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) or German Chamomile as is known in Albania, is one of important medicinal plant species from the Asteraceae family, regarding Flora of Albania, Vol 4. Based on the flower of this specie, in Albania it has a strong aromatic and attractive to bees.
Nowadays it is much used as medicinal plant in the traditional medicine. It is used since ancient as sedative, cosmetic industry, and recently studying essential oils content and its life cycle can recommend it in international, European market, which is increasing day by day. My article briefly reviews the biology of Matricaria chamomilla L. with botany and study of its biological zero.
Since chamomile is a rich source of natural products, details on chemical constituents of essential oil and its plant parts growth will be on focus of the study aimed to increase not only productivity but using good practices on the near future for the cultivation of the plant.
Furthermore, particular emphasis is given to the study of M. chamomilla L, in different places in Albania, (based on Mediterranean climate and difference in relive as well as high sea level) focusing on the different temperatures to accomplish market demand, and trade of the plant. This is an attempt to compile and document information on different aspects of chamomile, we studied zero biologic by field trips survey in these sites and length analyses but the study must go on focused in biochemistry, stress influence and life cycle of this plant.
Keywords: Matricaria Chamomilla L; Asteraceae Family; Medicinal Plant; Climate Change; Good Practices; Life Cycle
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