Acta Scientific Agriculture (ISSN: 2581-365X)

Short CommunicationVolume 5 Issue 12

Resource-saving and Environmentally Friendly Technology for Applying Anti-friction Coatings

Yakov Nemyrovskyi1*, Ihor Shepelenko2 and Olha Medvedieva1

1Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Ukraine
2Department of Operation and Repair of Machines, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Ukraine

*Corresponding Author: Yakov Nemyrovskyi, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Ukraine.

Received: January 29, 2021; Published: November 30, 2021

Citation: Tesfaye Gemechu and Yonas Birhanu. “Demonstration of Banana Varieties at Adami Tulu Jiddo Kombolcha District, Central Rift Valley of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia”. Acta Scientific Agriculture 5.12 (2021): 48-49.

  Today, issues of ecology, environmental protection are highlighted among the global priorities of human activity in all areas, including the operation of agricultural machinery (ACM). It has been proved [1] that the content and emission of harmful components increases sharply during the worn out engines operation of a mobile ACM, which leads to contamination of agricultural lands, a decrease in the quantity and quality of products and, in general, a deterioration in the environment. Consequently, the issues of quality improving of ACM friction parts and improving the ecology of the environment are both modern and urgent tasks.

  The problem of increasing the ACM friction parts durability can be successfully solved by applying antifriction coatings (AC) [2]. In addition to its main functions of increasing the surface antifriction properties, AC can be used as restorative; running-in, solid lubricating and multifunctional coatings. Among the known schemes for applying AC [3], the simplest to implement and does not require the use of complex equipment is the method of finishing anti-friction non-abrasive treatment (FANT), the features of which include: low consumption of coating material and mechanical energy during rubbing, relatively short process duration when using automated equipment, high stability and quality of the coating, and most importantly - environmental friendliness. FANT allows: to reduce the running-in time of parts by 1.5 - 2 times, to eliminate scuffing of parts friction surfaces, to increase the bearing capacity of parts and joints, to protect the friction surface from hydrogen wear, to reduce the friction temperature and to extend the operating period of the friction unit when the lubricant supply is turned off, to reduce coefficient of friction and thereby reduce the consumption of ICE fuel and the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere [4].

  The feasibility of using FANT in relation to the ACM units is convincingly proved in the works [5,6], which indicate a wide list of friction units for grain harvesters and other mobile agricultural machinery. At the same time, it should be noted that the existing FANT technologies are characterized by low productivity, uneven coating thickness, heavy loads on the tool and significant heat generation. So the current FANT process of cylinder liners does not provide sufficient hardening of the parts surface, and, therefore, wear resistance for a longer period.

  To solve the problem of increasing the wear resistance and adhesion strength of the coating to the base, we propose the use of a combined processing method. The possibility of combining FANT with the methods of cold plastic deformation, in particular with deforming broaching, made it possible to increase the productivity of the process, as well as the quality of finishing processing of the sleeves holes [7].

  The performed operational tests showed that the developed resource-saving and environmentally friendly technology of applying antifriction coatings FANT of cylinder liners using deforming broaching made it possible to reduce the wear of the part surface, reduce the cost of its restoration, and also increase the cylinder-piston group resource of mobile ACM engines during operation. The proposed technology of combining FANT and deforming broaching can be recommended in the manufacture and restoration of agricultural machines friction parts.


  1. Sitdikova AA., et al. “Analysis of the impact of vehicle emissions in a large industrial city on the state of air pollution”. Modern Problems of Science and Education 3 (2015): 36-44.
  2. Chernovol MI and Shepelenko IV. “Methods of forming antifriction coatings on metal friction surfaces”. Collection of scientific papers of Kirovograd National Technical University”. Engineering in agricultural production, industry engineering, automation 25.1 (2012): 3-8.
  3. Chernovol M I and Shepelenko I V. “Devices for friction-mechanical coating”. Collection of scientific papers of Kirovograd National Technical University 26 (2013): 58-62.
  4. Garkunov, D. N.“Tribotechnics (wear and wearlessness)”. Moscow, (2001): 616.
  5. Katkov DS. “Increasing the durability of mobile agricultural machinery friction units using tribotechnical methods”. Saratov (2008): 227.
  6. Balabanov V I. “Increasing the durability of agricultural machinery internal combustion engines by the implementation of selective transfer during friction”. Moscow (1999): 342.
  7. Nemyrovskyi Yakov., et al. “Improving the Durability of Agricultural Machinery Parts by Applying Antifriction Coatings”. Acta Scientific Agriculture5 (2020): 46-49.

Copyright: © 2021 Yakov Nemyrovskyi. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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