Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 11

Evaluation and Mapping of Soil Quality in Bach Dang Commune, Tan Uyen Town, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam

Vu Ngoc Hung1 and Dang Trung Thanh2*

1Sub-institute of Agricultural Planning and Projection in the South, Vietnam
2Thu Dau Mot University, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam

*Corresponding Author: Dang Trung Thanh, Thu Dau Mot University, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam.

Received: September 22, 2021; Published: October 28, 2021



Research and evaluation of soil quality is a scientific basis for agricultural production development, making an important contribution to socio-economic development and protection of natural resources and environment for the territory or country. The objective of this study is to survey, evaluate and build a soil agrochemical map and soil quality map for Bach Dang commune, an area that is converting production from traditional agriculture to developing production models with high economic efficiency in line with the process of urbanization and modernization under the general orientation of Binh Duong province. Methods of implementation include: secondary survey of information, documents and field survey to take 115 samples for soil quality analysis and direct interview with 207 farmers using printed questionnaires. Information and data collected on the status of agricultural production and factors affecting soil quality were statistically analyzed using Microsoft Excel software. The result of the research, a map of agrochemical soils has been developed with 6 criteria, including: Soil acidity (pHKCl); Organic matter (OM%); CEC (meq/100g soil) and Total Nitrogen (%); Easily digestible phosphorus (mg/100g soil); Easily digestible potassium (mg/100g soil). At the same time, it shows the distribution of soil types according to 5 terrain levels and 2 types of mechanical components. The study also built a soil quality map of 3 levels: high quality, medium quality and low quality, respectively, with the respective areas: 332.41ha (accounting for 30.82% of the total area); 346.10ha (32.09%) and 20.85ha (1.93%). The results of the research are a valuable scientific basis for the planning of local agricultural production development, contributing to economic and social development.

Keywords: Soil; Evaluation; Map; Analysis; Bach Dang Commune; Binh Duong Province



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Citation: Vu Ngoc Hung and Dang Trung Thanh. “Evaluation and Mapping of Soil Quality in Bach Dang Commune, Tan Uyen Town, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam". Acta Scientific Agriculture 5.11 (2021): 23-32.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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