Filiz Akin1* and Kadir Ersin Temizel2
1Department of Field Crops, Bati Akdeniz Agricultural Research Institute, Antalya, Turkey
2Department of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey
*Corresponding Author: Filiz Akın, Department of Field Crops, Bati Akdeniz Agricultural Research Institute, Antalya, Turkey.
Received: June 24, 2021; Published: September 25, 2021
In this study, the applicability of the fuzzy logic method, which is one of the artificial intelligence methods, in the distribution phase of the land consolidation study was investigated. Fuzzy logic, one of the artificial intelligence methods, has been applied to the "distribution" stage, which is the most important stage of land consolidation studies. Obtained as a result of distribution the values obtained were compared with the result of the distribution based on the interview obtained from the General Directorate of Agricultural Reform. When the results are evaluated, the number of parcels, average parcel size, time spent for new distribution, and labor force yielded better results in the fuzzy logic based distribution model.
In general, the number of parcels decreases by 40% as a result of land consolidation. In the study, it was stated that the number of parcels decreased by 35.9% in the interview-based distribution model, while this ratio was 38.2% in the fuzzy logic-based distribution model. When both distributions were evaluated in terms of average parcel size, the average parcel size increased by 13.4% in the interview-based distribution, while it was 24% in the fuzzy logic-based distribution model. The reason for the low average parcel sizes in the results is that there are few parcels in the study area. In addition, the time spent for fuzzy logic-based distribution is 53% of the time spent for interview-based distribution.
Keywords: Land Consolidation; Parceling; Interview Based Distribution; Fuzzy Logic
Citation: Filiz Akin and Kadir Ersin Temizel. “Possibilities of Using Artificial Intelligence Applications in Land Consolidation Studies: Amasya Province Gümüşhacıköy District, Keçiköy Town Application". Acta Scientific Agriculture 5.10 (2021): 42-49.
Copyright: © 2021 Filiz Akin and Kadir Ersin Temizel. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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