Agricultural Cultivation Land on Landslides Deposit, Bogowonto Catchment, Central Java, Indonesia
Nur Ainun Harlin Jennie Pulungan*
Soil Department, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author: Nur Ainun Harlin Jennie Pulungan, Soil Department, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
June 21, 2021; Published: August 24, 2021
The need for agricultural cultivation land is increasing significantly nowadays. However, land expansion which is not accompanied by integrated land management and good development plans can lead to land degradation. As a result, many landslides occur especially in hilly areas. Due to limited of land, landslide deposit areas have a tendency to be used as an alternative for agricultural cultivation land. This research was aimed at investigating the landslide deposit as an alternative agricultural cultivation land. Bogowonto catchment was chosen as the study area. It is an area that has a high level of landslides susceptibility. The Bogowonto has unique physical environmental conditions in terms of soil and soil parent material. Soil units in the Bogowonto catchment have a thickness of more than 2 m even though they are found on parts of the slope that are sloping to steep. The combination of sloping slopes, high rainfall intensity, and very thick soil cause the study area to be prone to landslides.
The research method used in this study was a survey method. Landslide deposit investigation and soil data collection were carried out on several parts of the slopes of the Bogowonto catchment, which have varied landscape characteristics. The technique of collecting soil sample data was purposive sampling. 8 landslides were chosen as the representatives area to collect soil samples of landslide deposit. The soil samples were collected at depth of 0-20 cm. Data processing was carried out by spatial analysis. Soil analysis was conducted qualitatively in the field and quantitatively in the laboratory.
The results showed that landslides deposit area can be proposed as an alternative to fulfil the need for agricultural cultivation land. Based on land management assessment, the best options for land utilization in landslide deposited area were landslide deposition that contains mainly of soil such as soil derived from volcanic ash, can be cultivated with seasonal crops like cassava, long beans, turmeric, ginger, and sweet potato. Landslide deposition with mixed material (soil and saprolite) can be cultivated with annual crops/ wood crops such as sengon, teak wood, and acacia.
Keywords: Agricultural Cultivation Land; Landslides; Land Management; Hilly Area
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