Tatjana Kokaj*
Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (Agriculture University of Tirana), Albania
*Corresponding Author: Tatjana Kokaj, Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (Agriculture University of Tirana), Albania.
Received: June 03, 2021; Published: July 09, 2021
Mulberry is subtropical tree., Genus: Mores, Family Moraceae, species Morus alba L This tree has three main species named for the fruit colored the best-known cultivar, white, red, and black mulberry (Morus alba, Rubra and Nigra). In our country found white mulberry and black mulberry, with Latin name is Morus alba L and Morus nigra L. Morus red don’t growing in our country but have with color white to pink. Zones which grow white mulberry is Shkoder, Tirana, Durres, etc. and zones which grow mulberry is Hill zones and before mountains. In this study is evaluation some traits mainly in fruit of tree, form of fruit, color fruit, antocian, flavonaid, poliphenol. The aim of this study is to know diversity between two species of Mulberry, mulberry Alba and mulberry nigra. Mulberry Alba is deciduous, has a dense spreading crown, generally wider than high of the tree. The height of tree is 23- 30 cm, have a pyramidal shape or pyramidal shape. The leaves are light green in color, alternate, cordate. The flowers are unisexcial, greenish in color flowers. The trees are monocecious or diocious without buttre - shes (Orwa., et al. 2009). The fruit is different is small, is medium and big. In this study are analyses of some chemical indicators such as PH, humidity, Anthocyaniid, Polyphenols, Flavonoid is in fruit. Contribute to the pigment of fruit color. Anthocyanid contribute to identify of inflorescence fruit and flowers. Anthocyanid of black mulberry is 219.02 mg/LCYA 3 gluten, white mulberry don’t have. Poliphenol are antioxidant are secondary metabolites of plant, for black mulberry is 2506, white mulberry is 561.7 mg/L GAE, Flavonoid for white mulberry is 23.43 mg/L, black mulberry don’t have. Sugar for black mulberry is 81.2% and white mulberry is 79.6 %. The data are subjected to statistical processing.
Keywords: Moraceae; Anthocian; Flavonoid; Sugar; Diversity; Color
Citation: Tatjana Kokaj. “Genotypes White Mulberry and Black Mulberry Genetic Diversity between them". Acta Scientific Agriculture 5.8 (2021): 03-05.
Copyright: © 2021 Tatjana Kokaj. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.