Acta Scientific Agriculture (ISSN: 2581-365X)

OpinionVolume 5 Issue 4

Indigenous Knowledge Management vs Adam’s Knowledge Management

D Prabha*

Research Scholar, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India

*Corresponding Author: D Prabha, Research Scholar, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.

Received: February 19, 2021; Published: March 11, 2021



  Indigenous knowledge is local knowledge that social capital of the poor people, exploring and demonstrating their life. It is unique, traditional, local knowledge that exists within and is developed around the specific conditions of people indigenous to a particular geographic area in a particular period [1]. Indigenous knowledge is the consequence of practical knowledge and it continually influenced by internal creativity and experimentation. It is found to be socially attractive, economically profitable, sustainability and involves minimum risk to rural farmers and producers. Besides, indigenous knowledge systems provide a frame for reference in strengthening agricultural extension programmes. Therefore identifying, documenting and incorporating indigenous technical knowledge in agriculture is essential to achieve sustainable agricultural development.

Knowledge management

  Knowledge management is managing the knowledge and it is focuses on the creation, preservation, sharing and utilization of knowledge in the corporate environment is gaining popularity in the management of indigenous and external knowledge in the indigenous organizations of developing countries [2].

  In the knowledge management, knowledge is accumulating, storing and sharing to people and organizational effectiveness. Effective knowledge management is ensures that knowledge is created, stored and used to meet the goals and needs of the people and their organizations. The effective implementation of knowledge management practices in organizations depends on the selection and deployment of the relevant tools, approaches and practices [3].

Adam’s knowledge management model

Figure 1: ADAM’s Model.

  The indigenous knowledge management behaviour of people has been analysed consist of the Adam’s model of knowledge management. According to the Adam’s model, the knowledge management behaviour of people described as follows.





Gaining the information on traditional wisdom. People were gaining the information from their parents, grandparents, neighbourhoods, relations and friends.


The stage of knowledge development concerns with identifying and generating a set of knowledge documents from information that has been acquired from acquisition stage. They were gained through experience and trial & error method. People learned through repetition, repetition aids is the retention and reinforcement of indigenous knowledge.

In this stage, knowledge is stored and accessed via information retrieval systems.

Knowledge access is providing accurate knowledge to general public.

It mainly deals with knowledge codification which results in making the indigenous traditional knowledge visible, accessible and usable for decision making by various groups of end users.

Table 1


  Indigenous knowledge management is mechanism of culture, knowledge of local people and local resource management. It is important to preserve people knowledge for sustainable development nation. Gathering information regarding indigenous technical knowledge has to be offered prime importance in extension studies so as to explore local innovation of tribal farming community as well as protect them by legal tools like IPR with benefit of sharing and avoiding bio piracy.


  1. Grenier L. “Working with Indigenous Knowledge – A Giude for Researchers”. IDRC, Ottawa (1998).
  2. Ha L., et al. “Knowledge creation and dissemination in sub-Saharan Africa”. Management Decision3 (2008): 392-405.
  3. Wiig K. “People-focused knowledge management”. Amsterdam: Elservier (2004).


Citation: D Prabha. “Indigenous Knowledge Management vs Adam’s Knowledge Management".Acta Scientific Agriculture 5.4 (2021): 44-45.


Copyright: © 2021 D Prabha. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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