Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 1

Comparative Economics and Evaluation of Constrains of Chickpea Production in Rajasthan with Reference to Gangour Variety

Keshav Kumar1*, Vikram Yogi2, Shubham Arya1, Mukesh Kumar3

1Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Agricultural Economics, MPUAT, Udaipur, India
2Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics College of Agriculture, SKRAU, Bikaner, India
3Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Agricultural Economics College of Agriculture, SKRAU, Bikaner, India

*Corresponding Author: Keshav Kumar, Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Agricultural Economics, MPUAT, Udaipur, India.

Received: October 13, 2020; Published: December 14, 2020



  The Comparative Economics of the chickpea production in Rajasthan with reference to the Gangour variety was evaluated in this study. The evaluation was based on a household survey of Bengal gram grower in 4 villages of Bikaner District of Rajasthan. The estimated cost of cultivation was 32068.10, Net Income 44599.90 in case of the Gangour variety while cost of cultivation 30535.43, Net Income 15494.07 was in case of local cultivar. The gross income from the Gangour variety was greater than local variety that is 76668 and 46029.50 per hectare, respectively because of higher yield and low cost of production of former as compared to latter one and their yield was of 17.70q and 10.65q, respectively and the cost of production was 1811.75and 2867.18 respectively. The Output- Input Ratio for the Gangour variety was 2.39 and for local variety was1.51. Cultivation of Gangour variety are profitable than local varieties. The survey revealed that improved chickpea variety showed distinctly superior performance over local cultivars but it also have some constrains viz., chickpea growers were not getting satisfactory price of their produce in both Gangour and local variety grower. The another problem faced by chickpea grower is, require more water with reference to Gangour and problem of labour with reference to local variety.

Keywords: Comparative Economics; Cost of Cultivation; Cost of Production; Net Income; Output-input Ratio; Constrains



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Citation: Keshav Kumar., et al. “Comparative Economics and Evaluation of Constrains of Chickpea Production in Rajasthan with Reference to Gangour Variety". Acta Scientific Agriculture 5.1 (2020): 35-40.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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