Valentino Straser1*, Gabriele Cataldi2 and Daniele Cataldi2,3
1Department of Science, Environment Energy, UPKL Brussel, Belgium
2Radio Emissions Project, Italy
3Fondazione Permanente G. Giuliani, Italy
*Corresponding Author: Valentino Straser, Department of Science and Environment UPKL, Brussel, Belgium.
Received: October 30, 2020; Published: November 21, 2020
This research aims to discuss the variation of solar activity and in particular the proton density connected to seismic events of magnitude greater than 7. Between January 28, 2020 and March 25, 2020, our planet was shaken by three M7+ earthquakes (January 28, 2020 in Jamaica with magnitude of M7.7; February 13, 2020 in Russia with magnitude of M7.0 and, again in Russia, on March 25, 2020 with magnitude of M7.5) and provided the opportunity to carry out the research. The changes in the ionic density of the solar wind that preceded the global seismic sequence occurred after major increases in the proton density of the solar wind. In this regard, the authors analyzed space weather to verify the existence of a correspondence between solar activity and the three M7+ seismic events. The data showed a close relationship between the two variables, in a temporal sense and from a qualitative point of view. The time intervals between the proton density increase and the main tremors were 28 hours, 12 hours, and 112 hours, respectively.
Keywords: Earthquake Prediction; Proton Density; Electromagnetic Seismic Precursors; Global Seismicity; M7+
Citation: Valentino Straser., et al. “The Space Weather Related to the M7+ Seismic Activity Recorded on a Global Scale between 28 January and 25 March 2020". Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.12 (2020): 55-62.
Copyright: © 2020 Valentino Straser., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.