Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Review Article Volume 4 Issue 12

Arsenic Mitigation by Natural Resources

Ashok Kumar Jha1*, Sourav Majumder2 and Yogesh Chandra Gupta3

1University Department of Chemistry, T.M.B.U, Bhagalpur, India
2Department of Chemistry, Kaliachak College, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India
3Department of Chemistry, M.S. College Alauli, India

*Corresponding Author: Ashok Kumar Jha, University Department of Chemistry, T.M.B.U, Bhagalpur, India.

Received: October 31, 2020; Published: November 21, 2020



  This paper deals with the eco-friendly and low cost recent techniques of removal of arsenic from aqueous medium keeping in mind the health hazards of arsenic contamination.
  Arsenic contamination in ground water of the Gangetic plain in Holocene newer alluvial due to arsenic bearing chemicals has become a matter of grave concern. As a result researches on arsenic mitigation using natural resources are going on in different parts of the world. Natural resources e.g. bentonite mineral of Rajmahal hills and aquatic plants have been utilized for removal of arsenic from aqueous medium. Aquatic plants remove arsenic through their roots and leaves known as phytoremediation and dried biomass is also useful for removal of arsenic known as bio-remediation. The presence of unsaturated carboxylic acid, hemicellulose and amino groups present on the surface of the biomass bind arsenic on the surface but bentonite mineral removes arsenic by adsorption and ion exchange both due to the presence of unsatisfied charges on the surface. Percentage removal of arsenic with varying time by bentonites and aquatic plants have been calculated and experimental data have been used to explain the nature of adsorption.

Keywords: Bentonite; Bio-remediation; Phytoremediation; Arsenic; Aquatic Plants



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Citation: Ashok Kumar Jha., et al. “Arsenic Mitigation by Natural Resources”. Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.12 (2020): 35-39.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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