Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 10

Stability and Scrutiny Using (Ammi): Model of Bread Wheat Over the Years in Cold Arid Harsh Conditions of Kargil and Zanaskar (Ladakh)- India

Mushtaq Ahmad1*, Faizan Ahmad1, Ejaz Ahmad Dar2, Rizwan Rashid3, Shahnowaz Ahmad4, MH Khan5, Rohie Hassan6 and NR Sofi7

1Mountain Agriculture Research and Extension, India
2Krishi Vigyan Kenner, Kargil, India
3Faculty of Horticulture, Shalimar-SKUAST-Kashmir, India
4Krishi Vigyan Kenner, Znaskar, India
5Saffron Research Station, Pampore-SKUAST-Kashmir, India
6Ph, D Scholar, OPGS University Churu, Rajasthan, India

*Corresponding Author: Mushtaq Ahmad, Mountain Agriculture Research and Extension, India.

Received: August 14, 2020; Published: September 23, 2020



  Field experiments were carried out using 20 genotypes for 3 consecutive years (2017-2019) under two randomly completed conditions (Zanaskar Kargil or irrigation rainfall) to identify high-grain infarct-able wheat genotypes obtained by a single parameter. RBD with three copies in each environment. Combination testing of variation showed significant differences for the GE (genotype-environment) cardinal. The results of AMMI (additive main effect and multiplicative interaction) show that the first two AMMI (AMMI 1 - AMMI 2) are symbolic (P < 0.01). It became clear that the division of whole squares was a major source of environmental impact variability, followed by interplay and genetic type effect. The GE cardinal genotype is three times greater than the effect, indicating the presence of different environmental groups. The AMMI Invisibility Value (ASV) lost the G12, G18, G13, G14 and G11 genotypes, respectively. Differentiation to SE is not a physical selection criterion because most incomplete genotypes do not provide the best yield performance and, therefore, grain yield and ASV can be considered simultaneously in a single parameter-free index. Depending on the rainfall and irrigation conditions, the G1 and G18 genes and the High Grain Genome Type Selection Index (GSI) were matched to the results of the biplot observation.

Keywords: Wheat; AMMI; SAV; Dry Cold Zone; Conflict; Observation; Genetics; Cargill; Reform



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Citation: Mushtaq Ahmad., et al. “Stability and Scrutiny Using (Ammi): Model of Bread Wheat Over the Years in Cold Arid Harsh Conditions of Kargil and Zanaskar (Ladakh)- India". Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.10 (2020): 02-09.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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