Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 9

Experimental Measurement of Creep Deformations of an Unsaturated Silty Soil with Matric Suction

Tomoyoshi Nishimura1* and Masafumi Matsumoto2

1Department of Civil Engineering, Ashikaga University, Japan
2Geotechnical Engineering, General Institute, Japan

*Corresponding Author: Tomoyoshi Nishimura, Department of Civil Engineering, Ashikaga University, Omae Ashikaga Tochigi, Japan.

Received: July 30, 2020; Published: August 24, 2020



Geotechnical engineers often encourage geological disaster in ground related to saturated soil and unsaturated soil. Landslide, settlement and slope failure related to creep phenomena are typical problems in geotechnical practices. Creep behavior of saturated soils can explain including time-dependent on effective stress of saturated soil by Terzaghi effective stress theory. Some papers already published to apply the practice problems related soft ground settlements. Landslide in unsaturated conditions was induced by changing of matric suction as one stress of unsaturated soil stress variables, and some experimental researchers have reported interesting test results and effectively models for unsaturated soil creeping deformations. This study conducted out unsaturated soil creep test, which suction controlling has a low range with two lateral confining pressures using revised unsaturated triaxial compression apparatus. Solving the practical problems regard to unsaturated soils consider the properties of unsaturated soil that are subjected to creep before occurrence instability of natural slope. Excess pore-water pressures were measured and evaluated matric suction in unsaturated creep test using pressure membrane technique that creep stress increased step by step till unsaturated soil was failure. Comparison failure condition obtained from conventional triaxial compression test under undrained condition and mean effective principal stresses against creep stress. It was found out mean effective principal stress reached to failure line. In addition, soil-water characteristic curve was investigated in order to interpret hydro-mechanical properties and relationship between unconfined compressive strength and matric suction was obviously useful that shear resistance of unsaturated soil depend on matric suction.

Keywords: Creep Test; SWCC Test; Unconfined Compressive Strength; Suction; Unsaturated Soils; Pore-Water Pressure; Stress Path



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Citation: Tomoyoshi Nishimura and Masafumi Matsumoto. “Experimental Measurement of Creep Deformations of an Unsaturated Silty Soil with Matric Suction ". Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.9 (2020): 32-45.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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