Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 8

Evaluation of Some Faba Bean Genotypes Under Natural Infection with Chocolate Spot and Rust Diseases their Integrated Management in Gorkha, Nepal

Marwa Kh A Mohamed1* and AM El-Bakery2

1Field Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt
2Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt

*Corresponding Author:Marwa Kh A Mohamed, Field Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt.

Received: July 08, 2020; Published: June 23, 2020



 A two year study was conducted at Sakha Agricultural Research Station, Kafr EL-Sheikh Governorate during 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons. The objective of this study was to evaluate productivity of fifteen faba bean genotypes under natural infections with chocolate spot and rust diseases. Faba bean genotypes (Giza 40, Atona, Giza 3, Sakha 1, Misr 1, Santamora, Misr 3, Giza 843, Sakha 3, Sakha 4, Nubaria 1, L 1, L 2, L 3 and L 4) were randomly distributed in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The results showed that faba bean genotypes Santamora, L2, Giza 843, Sakha 4, and Sakha 3 showed higher resistance to rust and chocolate spot diseases. This was positively reflected on seed yield in both seasons. However, the reverse was true for Giza 40 and Atona genotypes. A significant positive correlation was obtained between flowering or maturity date and each of rust and chocolate spot diseases. There is a highly negative correlation between flowering or maturity date and each of number of pods per plant, seed weight per plant and seed yield per ha. There is a negative correlation between rust or chocolate spot disease and each of number of pods per plant, seed weight per plant and seed yield per ha. Conversely, there is a positive correlation between number of pods per plant and each of seed weight per plant and seed yield per ha. This study indicated that Santamora, L2, Giza 843, Sakha 4, and Sakha 3 genotypes could be grown to tolerate rust and chocolate spot diseases coincided with high productivity under Sakha region conditions.

Keywords: Faba Bean Genotypes; Chlorophyll; Rust Disease; Chocolate Spot Disease; Simple Correlation; Seed Yield



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Citation: Marwa Kh A Mohamed and AM El-Bakery. “Evaluation of Some Faba Bean Genotypes Under Natural Infection with Chocolate Spot and Rust Diseases".Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.8 (2020): 37-51.


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