Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 7

Investigation of the Complex Influence of High- and Low-Molecular Glutenins and Crude Protein on the Quality of Bread Wheat (T. aestivum L.)

Sonya Doneva1*, Margarita Nankova1 and Stefan Krustev2

1Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute, General Toshevo, Bulgaria
2Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

*Corresponding Author: Sonya Doneva, Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute, General Toshevo, Bulgaria.

Received: April 01, 2020; Published: June 30, 2020



The relation between high- (HMW) and low-molecular (LMW) glutenins with the quality indicators - sedimentation value, valorimetric value and bread loaf of a collection of Bulgarian wheat varieties was studied.

A total of about 63% of the sedimentation value, 44% of the valorimetric value and 39% of the bread loaf was controlled by the two groups of glutenins and the crude protein.

The high- and low-molecular weight glutenins had an almost equal share in controlling the sedimentation value and the valorimetric value. The LMW glutenins had a significantly higher share in controlling bread loaf than that of HMW glutenins.

The participation of individual glutenin loci in quality control was not one-sided. It was mainly determined by genetic diversity and by the linking with the quality of the individual glutenin subunits.

The relative contribution of crude protein to the control of quality indicators during the various harvest years was highly variable, but its optimum quantity was a necessary condition for showing the positive effect of glutenin subunits on the quality of the wheat varieties.

Keywords: Winter Wheat; HMW- and LMW-Glutenins; Crude Protein; Sedimentation Value; Valorimetric Value; Bread Loaf



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Citation: Sonya Doneva., et al. “Effect of the Use of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza for Plant Growth Promotion on Morpho-physiological Properties of Antirrhinum majus L. Under Salinity Stress". Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.7 (2020): 150-157.


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Impact Factor1.014

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