Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Mini Review Volume 4 Issue 7

A Dual Approach for Model Construction of Two-Dimensional Horizontal Flow

Tinh Ton That1, The Hung Nguyen1* and Dong Anh Nguyen2

1Department of Water Resources Engineering, University of Science and Technology, The University of Danang, Vietnam
2Institute of Mechanics, VAST, Vietnam

*Corresponding Author: The Hung Nguyen, Department of Water Resources Engineering, University of Science and Technology, The University of Danang, Vietnam.

Received: June 10, 2020; Published: June 23, 2020



 The two-dimensional horizontal flow model in the classical integration approach is integrated from the three-dimensional Navier- Stokes system of equations. Using the classical theory, the integral is taken directly from the bed to the free water surfaces. Consequently, the effects between the channel bed and free water surface, in the process of integration, was disappeared. However, with the proposed dual-process approach, the integral can be performed locally several times. The receiving equations thus allow to contain many physical phenomena which may be lost in the classical integral process. As a result, the derived model based on the proposed dual approach will be more complex and accurate than the classical one. In this paper, the authors perform twice integrals. The improved two-dimensional horizontal flow model was received from the dual approach which allows the calculation of flow parameters, which, having the unusual phenomena in the channel as solid objects, liquids containing other added ingredients, external forces, reversals, and so on. Moreover, it provides flexible parameter adjustment based on the experimental data.

Keywords: Dual Approach; Classical Integration Approach; Average of the Integrals; Two-Dimensional Horizontal Flow (2DH); Shallow Water Equation (SWE)



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Citation: The Hung Nguyen., et al. “A Dual Approach for Model Construction of Two-Dimensional Horizontal Flow". Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.7 (2020): 85-91.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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