Nankova Margarita1*, Doneva Sonya1, Iliya Iliev1 and Stefan Krustev2
1Agricultural Academy, Sofia - Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute (DAI)- General
Toshevo, Bulgaria
2Agricultural University - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
*Corresponding Author: Nankova Margarita, Agricultural Academy, Sofia-Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute (DAI), General Toshevo, Bulgaria.
Received: April 29, 2020; Published: June 16, 2020
The results of the study on the quality of flour of 20 wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in a long-term low-input cropping system of Haplic Chernozems are reported. The cultivars were developed at Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute, General Toshevo. They were sown on two soil nutrition regimes: 1. Control - natural soil fertility and 2. Organic fertilization with ExcellOrga, produced in France. In addition to these variants we used a humine preparation Plantagra for pre-sowing seed treatment of sowing material (150 ml/100 kg seeds). Main soil organic fertilization with ExcellOrga especially in combination with seed material treatment (SMT) positively influenced on the sedimentation values and bread volume. The average value in this variant is 42.55 ml with increasing over control variant with 3.65%. The highest and relatively stable by variants were the sedimentation values of cultivar Pchelina (51.25 ml), followed by cultivars Kiara (50.25 ml) and Galateya (46.75 ml). The bread volume in this condition exceeded the control with 3.75%. The maximum value in the trail was reached from cv. Bojana - 795 ml. Organic fertilization lead to increasing a wet gluten content according to the control with 2.60%. The cultivates Kiara and Bojana has a leader position according to the value of this index - 23.35% and 23.25% respectively. A tendency was established for decreasing of values of wet gluten content in variants with SMT. However, an exception to the tendency the genotypes specificity is strongly expressed - cultivars Pchelina, Kosara and Kiara reacted positively to the SMT. Flour stability is subject to highly expressed dynamics of values according to the genotype. Cultivars Enola and Katarjina were distinguished with maximum average values - 3.88 and 3.80. Soil organic fertilization increased values of this index according to the control variant with 4.60%. Valorimetric values were negatively influenced by soil organic fertilization and especially with combination with SMT. We established also highly expressed correlations between yields (grain and protein) with chemical composition of grain, physical grain properties, rheological properties of flour and bread making qualities.
Keywords: Low-Input Cropping System; Wheat; Organic Fertilization; Bread Making Properties
Citation: Nankova Margarita., et al. “Soil Organic Fertilization in Long-Term Low-Input Cropping System and its Effect on the Bread Making Flour Properties Determined by Albumen-Protein Complex". Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.7 (2020): 54-66.
Copyright: © 2020 Nankova Margarita., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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