Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 7

Effect of Yield and Quality on Olive and Olive Oil in Olive Orchards Located at Different Altitudes

Ayça Akça Uçkun1* and Uygun Aksoy2

1Olive Research Institute, Izmir, Turkey
2Horticultural Department, Ege University, Turkey

*Corresponding Author: Ayça Akça Uçkun, Olive Research Institute, Izmir, Turkey.

Received: May 04, 2020; Published: June 08, 2020



 Olive trees can be grown in marginal areas and adapt to different climatic and soil conditions which is easier to grow than other plants. It has positive effect of olive oil for human health. Therefore, olive cultivation is increasing day by day with the modern of olive techniques and it is preferred to grow by farmers thanks to the positive effects of olive oil and olive.
The study was carried out in Ayvalik olive fields in which have different altitudes, in order to examine the current status of olive cultivation in Manisa/Ahmetli area, to soil and leaf analyzes and nutritional status and to determine the suitable harvest periods on high altitude and low altitude in terms of olive and olive oil quality. The current status (age, education, land positions) of the olive farmers were determined by survey in the Manisa/Ahmetli area. Fruit samples were harvested during 4 different periods (10 October, 13 November, 23 November and 5 December). In fruit samples: fruit weight (g), maturity index, color (CIE L*, a*, b*), dry matter (%) were determined. Oil samples, free fatty acidity and fatty acid composition were determined on high altitude and low altitude.
In conclusion soil and leaf analyzes indicated that there were nutrient deficiencies and recommendations were made about olive cultivation in olive farmers. The suitable harvest periods were determined of high altitude and low altitude in terms of olive and olive oil quality. In this research, suggestions were given about olive cultivation and it is provided to shed light on future studies.

Keywords: Olive; Olive Oil; Nutrient; Harvest; Quality; Yield



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Citation: Ayça Akça Uçkun and Uygun Aksoy.“Effect of Yield and Quality on Olive and Olive Oil in Olive Orchards Located at Different Altitudes". Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.7 (2020): 33-42.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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