Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Review Article Volume 4 Issue 3

Glimpses of Sugarcane Varietal Screening and Improvement at Pusa, Bihar

Balwant Kumar*

SRI, DRPCAU, Pusa, Bihar, India

*Corresponding Author: Balwant Kumar, SRI, DRPCAU, Pusa, Bihar, India.

Received: January 18, 2020; Published: February 08, 2020



  Sugarcane is primarily grown in nine states of India namely; Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu. During early 19th century sugarcane cultivation started as cash crop and number of sugar factories open keeping in view a glimpses of sugarcane varietal screening and Improvement has been reviewed and found that Bihar was rich in term of sugar factories and its 20-40% share in national sugar production was already reported. It was the introduction of Co seedling that replace local varieties under cultivation those were Co 210, Co213, Co 214, Co 313, Co 331, Co 513,Co 356, Co 395,Co 453,Co508 and CoK 32, Co 383, Co 622,Co 419,Co 617,Co1148 and Co 1158 while in present varietal scenario cultivated varieties are Co 0238, Co 0118, Co 98014, CoP 9301, CoLk 94184, CoP 112, CoSe 01434, CoP 09437, BO 154 and CoP 16437. It was also found that POJ 2878, Co285, Co281, CP 28/11, Co213 & Co205 were mainly responsible for improvement in high yield and high sugar. The varietal development and evaluation of sugarcane varieties started in Bihar by after that Central Sugarcane Research Institute was established 1932 since then total 281 clones were developed at SRI, while several Sugarcane varieties of other place were also evaluated. AICRP on sugarcane under North Central Zone altogether 24 varieties were identified out of which 13 were notified for this zone while from SRI, total 10 varieties were identified among them two were notified. During last decade 44 clones were developed at SRI, Pusa and their evaluations were held time to time under water logging condition, red rot resistance and other biotic and abiotic stress as a result of hybridization followed by clonal selection in most of the genetic studied several clones are performing stable with high cane and sugar yield. This is a good sign for varietal improvement work in SRI, Pusa Bihar to release such technology for commercial cultivation which will overcome the past pride moment of sugarcane of Bihar again.

Keywords: Varieties Co, BO, CoP, CoSe, CoLk, SRI, Pusa, AICRP on Sugarcane, Bihar.



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Citation: Balwant Kumar. “Glimpses of Sugarcane Varietal Screening and Improvement at Pusa, Bihar". Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.3 (2020): 01-12.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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