M Amirouche1*, D Smadhi2, B Mouhouche1 and L Zella3
1Department of Rural Engineering, Agricultural National High School, Algeria
2Division of Bioclimatology and Agricultural Hydraulic, National Institute for Agricultural Research, Algeria
3Department of biotechnology, University of Saad Dahlab, Blida, Algeria
*Corresponding Author: M Amirouche, Department of Rural Engineering, Agricultural National High School, Algeria.
Received: December 30, 2019; Published: January 11, 2020
Evaluating the performance of irrigation systems makes it possible to improve agricultural water management and consequently increase water productivity. In this perspective, the present study consists in highlighting the degree of technical performance of irrigation systems at the farm and plot scale, in relation to the level of control of irrigation by farmers and to try to improve irrigation management. The experimental trial of irrigation monitoring and evaluation was conducted in the irrigated perimeter of the West Mitidja (slice I) on two farms (EAC 1 and 4) equipped with the three irrigation systems (gravity, sprinkler and drip). The approach adopted consists of measuring the flow rate at the water point outlet and at the head of the plot; evaluating the water stocks in the soil before and after each irrigation and calculating the uniformity coefficient and water distribution. The results obtained show poor water distribution for the three irrigation systems due to lack of irrigation equipment (pressure gauge, flow meter, valves) and faulty installation and maintenance of the equipment. Uniformity coefficients for both systems (sprinkler and drip) are below standards 70% < CU < 90%. These results demonstrate the need to train farmers in the mastery of pressure irrigation in order to make the best use of water resources.
Keywords: Mitidja West; Irrigated Perimeter; Irrigation; Performance Indicator; Water Productivity
Citation: M Amirouche., et al. “Analysis and Diagnosis of the Management of Irrigation Systems in the Mitidja West Irrigated Perimeter". Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.2 (2020): 45-49.
Copyright: © 2020 M Amirouche., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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