Nankova Margarita1*, Sonya Doneva1, Iliya Iliev1 and Stefan Krustev2
1Agricultural Academy, Sofia - Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute (DAI), General Toshevo, Bulgaria
2Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
*Corresponding Author: Nankova Margarita, Agricultural Academy, Sofia - Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute (DAI), General Toshevo, Bulgaria.
Received: December 30, 2019; Published: January 10, 2020
Low-input farming systems management has a challenging task to reduce non-renewable resource use and environmental degradation while maintaining productivity and profitability. In a stationary field trial 20 Tr. aestivum L. varieties developed at DAI were grown in continuous mono crop against backgrounds of natural soil fertility (Control variant) and organic fertilization (ExcelOrga). The sowing material was treated (SMT - seed material treatment) with a humine preparation Plantagra (ROMB Ltd – Sofia).
Main soil organic fertilization with ExcellOrga increase macro elements concentration in wheat grain. This effect was more expressed on phosphorus content witch values were more with 15.89% than in control variant. Such favorable soil nutrition regime lead to grain yield increasing with 24.88% according to the control variant. In the same time organic fertilization caused grow up of crude protein yield with 27.56% according to the control.
Sowing with seed material treatment (SMT) with Plantagra contribute to the increase of NPK concentration of grain. This positive effect of SMT is more well expressed in natural fertility variant. Average dynamics of grain physical values weaker influenced by using of investigated fertilizer practices. However, it was established a strongly dynamics of its values according to the cultivars. Generally, it be concluded also that cultivars Enola, Kristi and Stoyana distinguished with very high average grain and protein yields among all tested varieties. Its average yields were 3984.4 kg/ha, 3881.2 kg/ha and 3825.6 kg/ha, respectively. Nearly 50% from the investigated winter common wheat cultivars demonstrated high productivity in combination with very good physical properties of the grain and they are suitable for growing with the above “low-input” practices for plant nutrition. It was found out that the grain yield was in positive statistically significant correlation with crude protein yield and the physical properties of grain, especially with 1000 kernel weight at soil organic fertilization. In the combined use of organic products for main soil fertilization and sowing material treatment, negative correlation relationships between grain yield and its chemical composition were found.
Keywords: Low-Input Cropping System; Wheat; Organic Fertilization; Seed Material Treatment
Citation: Nankova Margarita., et al. “Response of T. aestivum L. Cultivars to Nutrition with Organic Fertilizers in Long-Term Low-input Cropping System of Haplic Chernozems". Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.2 (2020): 37-44.
Copyright: © 2020 Nankova Margarita., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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