Naung Naung OO*
Lecturer, Department of Marine Science, Sittway University, Rakhine State, Myanmar
*Corresponding Author: Naung Naung OO, Lecturer, Department of Marine Science, Sittway University, Rakhine State, Myanmar.
Received: December 23, 2019; Published: January 11, 2020
Assessment of species density, relative density and population density of girdled horn shell Cerithidea cingulata (Gmelin, 1791) were analyzed by quadrat-transect method in mudflat and mangrove swamp of Kyaikkhami coastal area (Lat. 16° 04′ N, Long. 97° 33′ E), Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State from January-December 2018. A total of 24335 individuals of species composition, shell density of 405.59 shells/m2, total relative density of 100% and population density of 30.44 individuals/m2 were recorded in study period. Monthly systematic analysis were recorded in the range of 2853-1344 individuals in shell composition, 47.55-22.40 shells/m2 in density, 11.72-5.52% in relative density and 0.24-0.11 individuals/m2 in population density, respectively. High species densities were recorded in early monsoon month of June and low species densities were found at late premonsoon month of May. This paper represents part of ongoing efforts to revise and document the ecology of malacofauna in Myanmar.
Keywords: Girdled Horn Shell; Kyaikkhami Coastal Area; Cerithidea cingulata
Citation: Naung Naung OO. “Density of Girdled Horn Shell in Kyaikkhami Coastal Area of Mon State in Myanmar" Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.2 (2020): 32-36.
Copyright: © 2020 Naung Naung OO. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.