Shashi Subedi*, Madan Pandey, Tej Prasad Sharma, Anil Adhikari, Prakash Khanal and Prabin Chaudhary
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Prithu Technical College, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
*Corresponding Author: Shashi Subedi, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Prithu Technical College, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
Received: December 30, 2019; Published: January 11, 2020
Kolkata local variety of marigold (Tagetes erecta) was evaluated at Gadawa-4 Gangaparaspur, Dang district of Nepal from (July-November) to estimate the effect of pinching and different dozes of nitrogen (0kg/ha, 50kg/ha, 100kg/ha, 150kg/ha.) on various parameters of marigold.
Among pinching and non-pinching, maximum plant height (89.7cm) was observed in non- pinching, maximum number of primary branches (17.1 cm) and least days to 50 percent flowering (61.58 days) with pinching, the significant diameter of flower (4.29), fresh weight of flower (4.32) was observed with non- pinching and best number of flower (60.66), best yield per plant (237.49gm) and best yield per hectare (9.89tones) was observed with pinching practices. The best plant height (92.2cm) was observed at 150kg/ha of nitrogen dose. Remaining all other parameters showed non-significant relationship with different doses of nitrogen except yield per plant and yield per hectare. The significant yield per plant (238.12 gm) and significant yield per hectare (9.91 tones) was observed at nitrogen dose of 50kg/ha. Interaction among pinching and different doses of nitrogen showed non-significant relationship for all parameters.
Keywords: Marigold; Pinching; Nitrogen Level; Yield; Quality
Citation: Shashi Subedi., et al. “Effect of Pinching and Nitrogen on Yield and Yield Attributing Characters of African Marigolds (Tagetes erecta) in Deukhuri, Dang". Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.2 (2020): 29-31.
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