Acta Scientific Agriculture (ISSN: 2581-365X)

Editorial Volume 4 Issue 2

Meeting the Climate Change Related Nutritional Dilemma in Indian Subcontinent: Opportunities, Threats and Strategies

Vartika Agarwal

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BBD-NITM, Lucknow, India

*Corresponding Author: Vartika Agarwal, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BBD-NITM, Lucknow, India.

Received: November 25, 2019; Published: January 01, 2020


  Worldwide concerns are raised over the consequences of climate change in present as well as future era. Several repercussions related to this global problem are reported with varying throughout the world and is estimated that these catastrophic effects will further intensified in forthcoming days. No sphere of earth has been remaining untouched due to this problem and associated challenges are found aggravated in densely populated countries like India. For Indian subcontinent, drastic rise in population has been estimated from 1.6 billion in 2000 towards 2 billion around 2050 approximately. Therefore, providing social, nutritional and environmental security would be the prime challenge to Indian Population. Particularly in view of food security in Indian situations is need to be primarily focused as it is already affecting the aspects like food availability, accessibility, its utilization and the continuous supply of these basic amenities over the time.

  Being a great climatic diversity rich country, the situations across the various parts of country is quite different from one part of country to another however in some conditions are found comparable and analogous to each other. To meet the food requirements, extension of cultivable land within the country with sufficient productivity should be the prime objective in this direction. This not only requires upgraded modes of agricultural technologies but there is essential need towards the quantitative estimation of future water demands in each sector strategies to upgrade irrigation efficiency and arrangements for that. There need to develop futuristic model for enhancing food production, storage along with the outlining the areas/basins with extended water storage capacity, irrigation efficiency across the country water conservation As this is governed and affected by multiple factors so possible consequences and outcomes of implemented strategies can be assessed up to limited extent. Thus, in view of safer and healthier sustainable environment, we need to adopt a holistic approach towards involving mass sensitization, economic considerations, mitigating strategies, practical consideration for existing gaps between designing and execution of policies to overcome this dilemma.





Citation: Vartika Agarwal. "Meeting the Climate Change Related Nutritional Dilemma in Indian Subcontinent: Opportunities, Threats and Strategies". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 4.2 (2020): 01.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.014

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