Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG)(ISSN: 2581-365X)

Review Article Volume 4 Issue 1

Agro-Ecological Importance of Nematodes (Round Worms)

Firew Admasu Hailu* and Yodit Admasu Hailu

Department of Biology, Ecological and Systematic Zoology, Dilla University, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Dilla, Ethiopia

*Corresponding Author: Firew Admasu Hailu, Department of Biology, Ecological and Systematic Zoology, Dilla University, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Dilla, Ethiopia.

Received: December 04, 2019; Published: December 31, 2019



  There are a number of major concerns regarding to Agricultural and ecological importance of Nematodes species.

Background:Nematodes are multicellular organisms with vermiform invertebrate animal species, almost microscopic, of which are nearly invisible to eye while they live in the soil and as parasites of both plant and animals. Nematodes are found almost everywhere in the world, from almost all terrestrial to aquatic habitat, parasites forms from exoparasites to endoparasites of both plants and animals and also nematodes are ubiquitous, present in all moist ecological niches in diverse situations, and in soil ecosystem. However, survival, growth and reproduction of nematode are largely depend on the soil moisture, temperature, availability of a food source and suitable host organisms. In addition, most species of nematodes are free-living, with their food consisting of micro-organisms fungi, bacteria, algae, and other nematodes and these play an important role in decomposition and organic nutrients recycling in an ecosystem.

Objectives:The objectives of this review is to focus on the biology of nematode species including basic characteristics, the diversity classification, its reproduction, habitat and habits of nematodes. In addition, it includes agricultural and ecological importance of nematodes such as biological control of insect pests, both advantages and disadvantages and also management of nematodes.

Methods:Reviewing relevant information's from related international published researches and review journals, books and other biological materials and rewrite based on scientific study of nematology.

Results and Conclusion:The science of nematology is relatively young compared to entomology and plant pathology and free living nematode species are abundant, including nematodes that feed on bacteria, fungi, and other nematodes, yet majority of species encountered are poorly understood, Thus, despite the significant role of nematodes in agricultural and ecological value, still much is not yet understood. Therefore, this review is important for brief description of nematodes biology, habitat and diversity of nematodes, agricultural and ecological importance and also integrated management system of nematodes.

Keywords: Agricultural Value; Ecological Importance; Nematodes Biology; Nematology



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Citation: Firew Admasu Hailu and Yodit Admasu Hailu. “Agro-Ecological Importance of Nematodes (Round Worms)".Acta Scientific Agriculture 4.1 (2020): 156-162.


Acceptance rate32%
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Impact Factor1.014

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