Medani P Bhandari*
Professor and Deputy Program Director of Sustainability Studies, Akamai University, Hawaii, USA and Professor of the Department of Finance and Entrepreneurship, Sumy State University, Ukraine
*Corresponding Author: Medani P Bhandari, Professor and Deputy Program Director of Sustainability Studies, Akamai University, Hawaii, USA and Professor of the Department of Finance and Entrepreneurship, Sumy State University, Ukraine.
Received: June 09, 2018; Published: July 25, 2018
Citation: Medani P Bhandari. “Climate Change Impacts on Food Security, a Brief Comparative Case Study of Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan". Acta Scientific Agriculture 2.8 (2018).
This brief editorial piece intends evaluate how climate change has direct impact on the agricultural development and broader economic growth in South Asia-Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Paper is just a statement of the problem and outlines the need and direction of research agendas for future research.
Keywords: Climate Change; Food Security
Copyright: © 2018 Medani P Bhandari. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.